Sunday, 16 June 2013


IPD (Issue in Publications and Design) is a subject that has transformed me into the plain students to a brand new person that capable to enrich in many areas. By undertaking this subject I am capable in doing designing the brochure, newsletter, web blogging and many more.

I am impressed with my computer literacy especially in the Microsoft Publisher. I have never thought that I am capable of designing my own brochure (which I assumed I did it quite well in that).

 At first we were exposed to the fundamental of layout, multimodality in our writing or news. It has broaden my knowledge from what I have seen in many publications out there it is not just a writing or visual appeared. It is more on how your present it to the public to make it looks appealing rather than dull and boring.

Furthermore, by updating weblog as part of our task throughout this semester, I am capable to unleash my thought and as well as polish my writing skills in order to encourage audience to read through my piece of work, thanks to my lecturer observations; it enables to improve my writing and designing skills to become livelier.

The knowledge that I have absorbed is priceless, it can be use when I in the working environment, I am not just business student that handling marketing and human resources field but additionally escalated my competence to a wider scope which I am able to design magazines layout and brochure for my company.

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