Saturday 13 April 2013

Screen vs. Print Document Design.

Screen which mainly known as web design is a page or space to publish an information that can be view broadly. Example of screen is website, blog, pages and vlog. Jakob (1999) indicates that web design is fundamentally a scrolling experience where people just need to click on it to obtain the information that they needed and where it is mainly display on the computer screen.

Print document design
The difference of print document design should be based on the standards of fundamental principles gleaned from research that originated from the study of the impact can be seen through the positioning of word design which consist of readable typeface, the uses of white space and also compliments by visual arrangement. According to Kress & Van Leeuwen (1998) stated that readers are able to judge the ‘weight’ of the various element of the layout and the greater the weight of an element, the greater its salience.

In conclusion, the audience has the choice in order to choose between screen or printed document design because the weight of a document depends on the individual perception, salience and experience.

Reference list:
<Jakob Nielsen, 1999, Differences between print design and web design, viewed on 11 April 2012, <>

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 1998. “Front pages: The critical analysis of newspaper layout.”

New Forms of Media Publishing.

New forms of media publishing can be categorized in many ways, we are vastly exposed with sorts of online inputs such as online newspaper, blogs, Facebook and recently Twitter. Thus, what we absorb nowadays are mainly one the online source, as we can see about conventional newspaper, the media trying to adapt into this new segment which comprise a broader viewer may not only in Malaysia but also worldwide. For example, The Star Online and New Straits Times Online are online versions of well known newspapers in Malaysia.

The viewer have tendency to browse on the online newspaper often because it is the easiest way to load ourselves with the latest news and updates similar as what we get from the newspaper with various colors and layout. (Walsh, 2006) mentioned, images have other effects that are different from words particularly at affective, aesthetic and imaginative levels. Online newspaper offers variety scopes of news you get politic issue, entertainment and sports just in one click. Everywhere writing now involved close attention to typeface choices and layout (Kress & Leeuwen, 1998). The result of online newspaper is higher because it is more appealing to catch with colorful website and sequence of the layout compared to the conventional newspaper.


Thus, another example of new forms of media publishing is the latest phenomenon that happens recently by Psy which is a singer from Korea. His amusing dancing steps has captured the audience attention worldwide. The viewers of his music video indicate over 1.5 billion viewers.

Reference list:
Kress, G Leeuwen, TV 1998, Front pages : (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout, in Approaches to media discourse, eds A Bell, P Garrett, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 186-219.

Walsh, M. 2006,” ‘Textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,” Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, p.24-37.

 newspaper layout.”

Evaluates blog credibility & How do you build credibility through content ideas.

Although blog has a wide accessibility, there is still a squabble related to blog credibility. Like any another web page, weblog also can be considered as everyone’s information tools. Albrecht (2006) mentions, bloggers have opened up the news environment such that everyone has access to a public platform on which they can voice their opinions to mass audiences around the world and engage in networked debates with others. As far from that blogs can be written by anyone, thus we might not know the validity of the information that has been given to us.

Furthermore, to ensure that what we read through is the reliable source we need to consider these elements;

Who is the Author/blogger: The blog that we are reading through can be written by professional bloggers, a part-time blogger or even from a company’s blog. A credible blogger will always attached or cite their story from the sources that he/she getting from. For example from the blog that I have suggested (click here), she always provide the readers the website link so that we are able to open the link and read the actual story.

Who the blogger alliance with: By having a plenty of sponsorship or endorsement by other publication or media such as magazines and newspaper. We have the certainty on how impactful the blogger has influence and educate us ‘Public’ to seize what they had written on their blog.

How many follower/reader: We can evaluate the blogger credibility by looking at the followers and readers. Yes, sometimes figure cannot assure the validity of a blog but remember when the number is small and insignificant, it can have the reverse effect. Instead of building credibility, it can erode it. When the blogger is capable of attracting the readers, there must be something unique about the blog.

Albrecht. S. (2006), “Whose voice is heard in online deliberation? A study of participation and representation in political debates on the internet”, Information, Communication and Society, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 62-82.

Benefits blogger to Communities.

Blog is not only a reflection of an individual thought or knowledge, nowadays it has been avails by the communities or society whichever shares common interest.

For example from the above blog, she is a public figure who is originally started off by posting her personal thought, opinion about fashion and beauty tips. After several times she is been blogging, this particular outgoing blogger is capable of attracting more than 100 thousand viewers. She managed to attract the audiences especially in her peer group (teenagers) to read through her posting and sharing comment about the topic posted online. Thus, through the influence and success she had occurred, she evokes sponsorship deals from big brand and encourage small entrepreneur to advertise their product on her blog.

According to (Stewart, 2013), they use social exchange theory to develop a model which suggests that Sociability and Usability facilitate members’ participation in an online community.


Stewart T. Online communities. Behaviour & Information Technology [serial online]. November 2010;29(6):555-556. Available from: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 13, 2013.


The accessibility of online media encourages the publics to browsing it more often, because nowadays everyone owns a smartphone which keep them in the loop.

Blog plays a big role in a new medium of communication; it also can be a self-fulfillment to a blogger in order to communicate with the viewers by sharing their opinion and thought, blog also can be a platform in starting a new online business. (Barkow, 2004) stated web logs are online personal diaries, seemingly no different from the millions of homemade Web pages we’re so used to stumbling upon. What differentiates Web logs from their predecessors is a common technological framework that allows blog publishers to easily share and respond to postings, creating a massive, self-organizing community of shared interests. Since these communities are full of links, they are extremely search-engine friendly.

Whilst Facebook is another communication tools that is capable of giving impact to a million users worldwide, it is a social networking website that allows users to contact with their friends and family vie online and has the impact of sharing thought, opinions, status updates, sharing photos, videos, that a person’s found interesting or amusing. Additionally there are group of people operating business online via Facebook and earning money through it. Hampton (2002) and Hampton & Wellman (2003), who suggest that information technology may enhance place-based community and facilitate the generation of social capital. Previous research suggests that Facebook users engage in “searching” for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they “browse” for complete strangers to meet (Lampe et. al, 2006).


Thus, twitter is a medium of broadcasting a personal thought at the quickest way by tweeting about your daily life, your routine or even retweeting about the latest news or gossips that you grab from other tweethandle. It encompasses interaction by telling the world what you are doing, how? Why? It is a great way for friends and family to keep up with a person’s daily life just by reading through their tweets. Brock (2011) has suggest twitter is great for sending a “broadcast” message to a large number of people, twitter is very fast communication. You can link to a webpage for more video, audio, sign-up and other materials for moving customers up the relationship ladder.

Reference list:

Barkow, T. 2004, "Blogging for Business", Public Relations Strategist, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 40-42. 

Brock, T. 2011, "Twitter vs. Facebook", Agency Sales,vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 53-53. 

Hampton, K. (2002). Place-based and IT mediated “community.”  Planning Theory and Practice, 3(2), 228–231.

Hampton, K., & Wellman, B. (2003). Neighboring in Netville: How the Internet supports community and social capital in a wired suburb. City & Community, 2(4), 277–311.

Lampe, C., Ellison, N., & Steinfield, C. (2006). A Face(book) in the crowd: Social searching vs.  Social browsing. Proceedings of the 2006 20th Anniversary Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 167–170). New York: ACM Press.


Purpose of weblog.

Pursuing in Issues of Publication and Design has enlighten my personal opinion on how well publication and design enable to convey a message to public and capable of reflecting to a person’s understanding or perception each time they capture the news or articles. By undergo this subject my target audience would be from fellow classmates, my lecturer Ms. Jenny and to those viewers who are eager to find a source/channel related to this subject. My Goal is to achieve as many viewers as possible while sharing my idea and opinion about the subject that I am taking.